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OpenSpace _ Zone Libre _ En Toute Amitié

Ecrit par: Arsenik_ 20/03/2005 19:01

Loin des blogues et autres sites perso :

Ecrit par: Sha 20/03/2005 20:46


Ecrit par: PoP 21/03/2005 9:13


Ecrit par: BarbeRousse 21/03/2005 11:15


Vu plusieurs fois déjà

Ecrit par: Sha 21/03/2005 11:51

Fusce volutpat lectus sed ipsum. Vestibulum eu augue. In vehicula tempus justo. Curabitur et justo ut pede consequat iaculis. Nulla vulputate erat id lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi a enim sed diam suscipit lobortis. Maecenas odio. Morbi erat nunc, ullamcorper sed, gravida nec, porttitor eget, quam. Quisque mollis, pede id egestas venenatis, metus mauris vulputate enim, nec ullamcorper wisi purus ut enim. Phasellus sem urna, laoreet non, sagittis blandit, commodo vitae, mauris. Aliquam aliquam tempor pede.

Fusce feugiat tincidunt ante. Fusce nec nibh blandit tellus aliquam elementum. Integer non urna et odio congue cursus. Sed id urna eu purus auctor facilisis. Morbi consectetuer, erat eu egestas tempus, velit lorem facilisis nisl, in congue turpis mi nec mauris. Aenean sem. Aenean lectus neque, vulputate id, tristique a, auctor a, ante. Nullam quis est sodales dolor viverra vulputate. Aliquam bibendum velit sit amet dolor. Nulla ante mauris, tincidunt non, volutpat a, luctus et, augue. Donec pellentesque ipsum eu orci convallis feugiat. Proin eros felis, suscipit in, tincidunt nec, gravida eu, mauris. Vestibulum a nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Praesent bibendum bibendum libero. Integer a dolor. Cras vel felis.

Sed accumsan magna ac mauris. Praesent urna dolor, pulvinar eget, cursus quis, dignissim sed, lectus. Suspendisse ipsum urna, semper at, gravida id, suscipit eu, mi. Nunc euismod semper tortor. Donec vestibulum. Pellentesque velit. Duis augue risus, malesuada ac, mattis vitae, venenatis a, turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla sapien quis eros. Quisque ullamcorper turpis ut massa. Praesent in enim. Duis faucibus libero molestie tortor. Suspendisse venenatis magna id libero.

In eget sem. Aenean vestibulum. Nulla ac ipsum vel felis posuere condimentum. Donec id sem. Ut sapien turpis, sodales a, ullamcorper fermentum, facilisis lacinia, wisi. Donec mauris. Proin eget risus. Integer tincidunt tempor turpis. Vivamus non nibh sit amet lacus vestibulum ullamcorper. Vestibulum rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce ac mi. Sed accumsan porta elit. Morbi sollicitudin. In egestas accumsan diam. Donec leo. Nulla tincidunt mollis odio. Duis sem felis, tristique dapibus, nonummy in, dapibus ac, eros.

Duis wisi sem, sodales in, viverra sit amet, commodo at, nisl. Curabitur dictum. Sed lacus nisl, hendrerit sit amet, tempus at, convallis quis, justo. Phasellus mauris justo, fringilla nec, aliquet imperdiet, aliquam ut, lacus. Nam iaculis risus et massa. Vivamus scelerisque tellus sit amet velit. Aenean molestie vulputate mauris. Nulla leo eros, eleifend non, vulputate vel, pulvinar eu, tellus. Curabitur eget augue ac neque venenatis congue. Curabitur mattis metus. Pellentesque id tortor vitae felis cursus nonummy. Donec dolor est, imperdiet ac, malesuada sit amet, elementum eu, eros. Ut interdum wisi. Integer eleifend accumsan diam. Sed eros. Aenean nec enim. Nulla tempor egestas dui. Fusce dictum.

Ecrit par: PoP 21/03/2005 14:19


Ecrit par: Ryle 21/03/2005 16:51

A B C it's easy as 1 2 3 ...

Ecrit par: Dude76 21/03/2005 17:46

As simple as Do re mi...

Ecrit par: Gfx 21/03/2005 20:23


import re
import sys

stack = []
for tag in re.findall("<(/?\w+)[^/]*?>", "
".join(open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())): print (tag[0] != '/' and (lambda t:
stack.append(t)) or (lambda t: stack.pop() != tag[1:]))(tag) and "\\n%s invalid because
of missing <%s> " % (sys.argv[1], tag) or "",

Moi aussi je peux dire n'int smile.gif

Ecrit par: Dude76 21/03/2005 20:34

Hooo du python !! au saumon, mon préféré !! wub.gif

Ecrit par: PoP 22/03/2005 10:26



Ecrit par: Sir Concis 22/03/2005 12:01

Nan les POP ça s'encule.


Ecrit par: piotr 22/03/2005 14:07

Ma 10 mb a to je trochu moc !

Ecrit par: FistArd 22/03/2005 15:32

le doigt dans le cul, c'est d'un commun...

pfft !

Ecrit par: Darhf 22/03/2005 18:55

Yesterday as I went out of the house
I saw her body lying down as quiet as a mouse
She was lying face down in the sewer
What you do-I got up closer and realized that I knew her
What you see-All her organs coming from her inside
That's nasty-Slashed up skin, sliced-up hide
Tell me some more-I turned her over and saw the tire tracks on her head
Then what-That's when I realized she was dead

Twisted body, chopped-off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bust crawling on her arms
She's dead can't do no harm
Gnarled-up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I wonder how much you had to pay
To get your mom killed in such a bloody way

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I watched her as she bled
Well she had-Chewed-off toes on her chopped-off feet
Say what?-I took a picture 'cause I thought it was neat
That's cold-But the thing I like seeing the best
What's that-Were the rodents using her hair as a nest
Damn-I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
Say what?-I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead

Twisted body, chopped-off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bust crawling on her arms
She's dead can't do no harm
Gnarled-up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I know it is your allowance that you'll really miss
But make it look good at her funeral and give her little kiss

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I saw her lying in a pool of red-And she don't know how to swim
I think it's the greatest thing I'll ever see-What's that?
Your dead mommy lying in front of me-Ba doo be do
I'll always remember her lying dead on the floor-Ba doo be va
I hope she dies twenty times more

I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead

Twisted body, chopped-off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bust crawling on her arms
She's dead can't do no harm
Gnarled-up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I wonder how much you had to pay
To get your mom killed in such a bloody way

I saw her, I saw her...mommy

I saw your mommy

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